Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday 19/3/2012

So Mr. Rey said not to put journals in terms of just what happens during lessons. Means to say I've been doing my journal wrong all these while. Waste of time.

So I'll cut this chase short.

During today's lesson, after we divided into our groups for finals, we did charades. Charades were to create lines for a script we have to work in this Friday. So anyway, I did several characters with Eric, my finals partner. We concluded with a final characterization of me being a fanboy, and Eric being the rockstar that the fanboy wants to flirt with.

Here's the beatsheet for this Friday's neutral scene performance.

A: Please (>Get Eric to go home)

B: I can't (

A: Just try (= Persuades again)

B: I don't know (>got to go, but doesn't want to leave. = Indecisive)

A: Please

B: Can you (>I've got to get rid of him

A: Don't even

B: But

A: No

B: You're mad

A: Please (>I've got to calm down)

B: Alright (

A: Ready

B: You know (>I've got to get rid of memories. = So I give Josh the item)

A: What's that

B: Here

A: Okay (>Keep it with care.

B: Great

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