Monday, March 26, 2012


This morning we have a small little nice meeting, long time since we had one that's nice. In my terms at least.

So again and again, every action has to be justified. I have to keep reminding myself this point because it reminds me of why I'm doing it. Can't be on stage for no reason. And it is said that everything on stage is a Verb. An action. I'll be interested to get that book Rey showed us. Damn I forgot most of the important details today. Ill be sure to take a notebook with me next class.

Today we finally did Characterization. Most of us including me have been waiting for this for a very long time. I learnt the essences about masks. One should not touch the face of the mask, or lie the mask face-down on the table. Each mask has different personalities compared to white masks, called the neutral masks. I also learnt that when the mask is put on, you are now known as, the mask itself. Let the mask absorb you.

Nonetheless, each of us got to wear the mask and do a series of acts with it, with Rey and the crowd in command. The key to it was, don't think of what the mask can do for you, because you won't have time to think at all. It was fun playing around with the masks. I got to wear the blond wig that David wanted so bad, hahahaha.

Friday up, Neutral Scenes. Another round of beat sheets and scrips coming up..

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Object Exercise for Neutral Scene

Who am I?
- I am a brother towards Eric.

Where am I?
- At a funeral.

What time is it?
- Late afternoon.

What surrounds me?
- Rain and dark atmosphere.

What are my relationships?
- Siblings and loved one.

What are the given circumstances?
- Our mother just passed away.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Monday 19/3/2012

So Mr. Rey said not to put journals in terms of just what happens during lessons. Means to say I've been doing my journal wrong all these while. Waste of time.

So I'll cut this chase short.

During today's lesson, after we divided into our groups for finals, we did charades. Charades were to create lines for a script we have to work in this Friday. So anyway, I did several characters with Eric, my finals partner. We concluded with a final characterization of me being a fanboy, and Eric being the rockstar that the fanboy wants to flirt with.

Here's the beatsheet for this Friday's neutral scene performance.

A: Please (>Get Eric to go home)

B: I can't (

A: Just try (= Persuades again)

B: I don't know (>got to go, but doesn't want to leave. = Indecisive)

A: Please

B: Can you (>I've got to get rid of him

A: Don't even

B: But

A: No

B: You're mad

A: Please (>I've got to calm down)

B: Alright (

A: Ready

B: You know (>I've got to get rid of memories. = So I give Josh the item)

A: What's that

B: Here

A: Okay (>Keep it with care.

B: Great

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday 15/3/2012

I missed class on Monday so I didn't know what was to be done. But i asked around and I figured out.

We are given a partner for our finals. We started working on scripted plays, starting off with simple words and lines to express a situation. I got Eric and we had to work initially with a gym locker scene, but Rey changed it to a funeral scene. But I digress.

Today's lesson we learnt about how to put the scripted words of character A and character B into different background scenes, how to put emotions and actions into it. Fridays classes are not much because we are seperated into groups to do our individual acts. The whole class today, we just did most of the script reciting and discussions for our next meeting. I didn't learn much today.

P.S. My beat sheet is on Vhina's blog, she has requested me to inform you that our beat sheet is listed on her blog. But if you insist on me having my own beat sheet, I'll write one from scratch. Thank you sir.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday 5/3/2012

For the first time I was 'early' to class. Well I cheated because I didn't sleep that night. I was so afraid of being late to class after attending classes late for 3 times in a row already. Sleep deprived, I zonked out after class in SLC.

Today we paired up on alot of activities. We finally had the chance to talk crap today. I have THTR101 background so I'm familiar with this. One must speak non-stop about a topic, and blabber non-stop about it. Then when we were asked to find a partner, we blabbered to each other about it.

Then a slight twist began. In the midst of our blabbering, we have to catch what your partner is talking and slip his words into your own story-telling, while imitating gestures that your partner does.

Next, while applying that concept, comes the 'interruption'. This is called Give and Take, as learnt in THTR101. When one talks, the other must catch a keyword and starts to talk, and the other person gives him the opportunity to talk, and vice versa. This trains us to learn a silent form of chemistry of acting in stage; the spotlight is not on you, it's on the stage.

PS. Mid terms on friday.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Monday 27/2/2012

I was feeling sick, Monday blues. Anyway I just got home from an almost 18 hour day of assignments, presentation on politics which I'm not keen on, as well as preparing for music stuff, but I digress.

I can't remember any significant progress for me that day, but I'll talk on a few that interested me. We had to walk around, being split into A and B. Acting the roles of opposites, such as Rich and Poor, walking chest up, big strides, as well as walking with feet inwards, low paces. Rey has termed it as the 'Status Game'.

Everyday, we look at different people with a sense of status. We judge them on a daily basis, friends, new people, even family members sometimes.

Next activity was about having to choose one block to sit on. With 2 people on each block on the floor, we were given a part of a script to follow. It was about a jewellery store. One person acts as the jeweller, the other acts as a customer. The roles we have to play are about being passive then aggressive, and vice versa to the partner. Transitions between passive and aggressive can happen suddenly as well as gradually.

Reflecting on today's lesson, the one that can be applied to my life is the status game. I observe this specifically on everybody I know, just about everyday. The level which I judge them on, and to each different individual how they place me on their own ladder of status, I am very aware of it.

Note: No matter who judges you, no amount of judgement should deter who you are and what you should do. Do not waver, for in it lies the benign signs of reform, and ultimately destroying you. Be who you are to be.

Yours truly,
- Josh